The PERILL model was developed by Professor David Clutterbuck, pioneer of developmental mentoring, world leading coach and author on management thinking and team performance . The model applies complex, adaptive thinking to teams using the 6 PERILL pillars. These summarize the 6 key influencing factors that interact together to drive or hinder team performance:

Purpose & Motivation, External Processes, Systems & Structures, Relationships, Internal Processes, Systems & Structures, Learning, and Leadership.

PERILL Diagnostics for Teams draws out connections between elements of the team system and how they might be impacting on the team's ability to function at a high level.

The Perill Diagnostic for Teams App is currently being beta tested and is available to use by invite only by our students participating in Team Coaching programs.

If you are a student and have been issued your unique access code, please register here.

If you have already registered, please login here.

If you'd like to be informed of future rounds of testing as well as kept informed for the full launch, please complete your details on the attached form.

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